Achievement Standard 91207 (2.3): Perform an ethnic or social dance to communicate understanding of the style - 4 Credits

The achievement standard is available at this link and the student instructions can be downloaded here for you to save or print.

It is important for this Achievement Standard that you are able to communicate your understanding of the style.  For this reason your learning in this unit of work will also contribute towards the external standard 91212 which requires you to sit an exam and answer questions on the Bhartanatyam dance genre, its features, and its relationship to its context, for example: 

• groups or individuals 
• purpose 
• sound 
• societal influences. 

NZQA states that candidates would benefit from experiencing the dance genre or style. Candidates are required to give examples to justify their statements, and these examples may refer to a number of specific dances in the genre or style.

Further information about htis is available through your 2.8 page.

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