The achievement standard for this standard is available for you to view at this link and the student instructions can be downloaded here for you to save or print.
Your teacher will read through these with you to ensure you are clear on what the standard expects of you but you also need to refer to them regularly throughout the course of the teaching and learning to ensure you have completed all the tasks required.
Task 1: Chance Dance
This activity required you to explore the use of the body in dance. You worked in a small group of year 11s and 12s to complete this activity using the 5 prepared bags of labelled cards (each card colour represents either action words or body base or body part or locomotor or non-locomotor.). If you need reminding about the task scroll to Task one in the PDF here.
A reminder that the evidence to be loaded to blog is as follows:
1. Photograph of the 5 cards
2. Video of the FINAL 20 second group dance
3. Notes that describe each of the five movements used
4. Explanation of why you selected the two aspects of the phrase to develop and how you developed your phrase using changes in energy and direction.
Ensure the title of the post is labelled Activity 1 – Chance Dance
Evidence Due Date: Term 1, Week 2 (posted to your personal blog by 15th Feb)
Task 2: Dance Action - Solo
Over a lesson and a half you were asked to use the dance action words: fold, arch, expand, flex or rotate to create movements. You were then required to choose one of the actions only, to develop further using three of the dance elements listed on the task sheet (e.g. space, time, energy, relationships, body). If you need reminding about the task you can click Here.
A reminder that the evidence that needs to be loaded to blog for this task is as follows:
1. Solo performance of the 16 counts loaded to the blog
2. Written notes which explain the three ways you chose to perform your action word
3. A description of how dance elements can be used to develop dance choreography using ideas from either your “Action Word Dance” (Activity 2) or your “Chance Dance” (Activity 1)
Ensure the title of the post is labelled Activity 2 – Solo Action Dance
Evidence Due Date: Term 1, Week 3 (posted to your personal blog by 19th Feb)
Activity Three: Recognise the elements of dance in Kura
Working in the Computer lab today you will watch the live dance performance of Kura (part 1). Refer back to the clip from task 4 posted again below:
Also refer to the following clip which has the interview with the choreographer (Moss Patterson) and the artistic director (Deidre Tarrant):
Select one section of the dance that you found exciting or interesting (describe it and provide the time selction). You must provide supporting evidence to validate each of these points. Use this word template to provide written evidence. You might wish to insert annotated diagrams/drawings, or make notes to describe the dance elements (use the video loaded to the dance blog to take screen shots to support your answers where possible). Below are the aspects you are expected to comment on:
• how the dancers used their bodies
• the tempo and quality of the movements
• the dancers’ use of range, levels, and facings
• the dancers’ relationships to each other
• the use of any props in the dance.
Include an explanation of how each of the dance elements contributed to the excitement or interest of the section. If you need reminding of the task you can click here to open as a PDF.
Ensure the title of the post is labelled labelled Activity 3 – Recognise the elements of dance in Kura and you are required to link the document as either a word document or PDF using your google drive. Your teacher will assist you with this or you could refer to this link on how to embed PDF and other documents in a blogger post
You learnt a phrase from Moss Patterson's dance 'Kura'. See if you can identify where in the dance it occurs by watching this clip. Once you have learnt the phrase as a group record it and upload it to your Achievement Standard page and label it Task 4:
Task 4: Learn and vary a phrase for a group (Relationships)
A reminder that the evidence that needs to be loaded to blog for this task is as follows:
1. Video recording of the original phrase
2. Video recording of the final varied phrase
3. A post that explains in detail what you have done to vary the phrase, why you chose these variations, and what their effect is
Ensure the title of the post is labelled Activity 4 – Learn and vary a phrase for a group.
Activity 5: Contrasting tempo (in class Tuesday 10th March)
This activity focuses on the dance element of time. Choose a short phrase from your group dance for 1.1:
a) Rehearse the phrase using changes in tempo. For example: slow, increasing, fast, and decreasing.
b) Perform the phrase repeating it four times (as one video), using a change in tempo each time.
Video the original phrase and both variations and post the videos to your blog
As a group watch the videos and discuss/evaluate how the clarity of the dancer’s performance changed as the tempo changed.
Then, individually,answer the following questions as a comment following the video on your personal Dance blog:
- In what ways can changes in tempo change the clarity of the dancer’s
- In what ways can changes in tempo add interest to a dance
- Why might a choreographer use changes in tempo in a dance movements? performance? composition?
1. Video of the original phrase, followed by the 4 contrasts in tempo
2. Individual responses to questions
Evidence Due Date: Term 1, Week 6 (posted to your personal blog by Friday 13th March)
Task 6 - Identify the elements of dance (Photo board/Poster)
Remember these from your explorations in year 10 Dance?
Over the course of the next few weeks you will be given a short amount of time in each of the classes to work with a partner to create a digital photo board or a poster that illustrates the five dance elements listed below to create your own Elements of dance poster:
- Body Awareness
- Space
- Time
- Energy
- Relationships
Add notes (annotations) that explain the photos or diagrams, and identify what aspect of the dance element is being demonstrated. The annotations may be included on your photo board or poster, or described clearly in a separate document or post with clear references to each photo or diagram.
A reminder that the evidence that needs to be loaded to blog for this task is as follows:
1. Load embedded PDF of Photo board or Poster with photos, diagrams, and annotations to your personal blog
Ensure the title of the post is labelled labelled Activity 6 – Photo board/poster
Evidence Due Date: Term 1, Week 8 (posted to your personal blog by 29th March)
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