Tuesday, August 25, 2015

2.4 Koumaya Standard is loaded for you year 12

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Achievement Standard 91208 (2.4): Perform a theatr...: The achievement standard is available at  this link  and student instructions are  available here  for you to download and save or print.  ...

1.3 Koumaya standard is loaded for you year 11

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Achievement Standard 90859 (1.3): Demonstrate ense...: The achievement standard is available at  this link  and student instructions are  available here  for you to download and save or print.  ...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Old Exam papers and exemplars

Here is the link to old exam papers for you to look at Level one: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/assessment/search.do?query=Dance&view=exams&level=01

Level two here are yours: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/assessment/search.do?query=Dance&view=exams&level=02

Probably wise not to go any further back than 2011 as the standard has been updated.