Sunday, March 15, 2015

Year 12 - Monday 16th March

GUESS WHAT? You have the lesson to catch up!!! Yes you can repay me with being amazing students (or gifts of chocolate).  Naomi and Briar I have the paper copies of your 2.1 (Group Choreography standard) for you still.

Things you could catch up on:

  • NZ Dance workshop post (fill in the form and submit to me and copy and paste your answers to your blog homepage)
  • Task 1 choreographers
  • Any other blog tasks
  • Choreography

Thursday, March 12, 2015

NZ Dance Workshop

Studies have shown that reflection upon one’s learning is key to a full learning experience.  For this reason, you will be required to keep reflective journals as part of your professional development.  

  • Workshop Reflection – to be completed after attendance at various workshops
  • Performance Reflection – to be competed after viewing a live dance performance 
Use this form to fill in your reflection for the NZ Dance Workshop.  Also post your responses to you Blog home page:

NZ Dance Reflection Form

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Year 12 Study Task for Monday Period 2

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Achievement Standard 91205 (2.1): Choreograph a gr...: The achievement standard is available at this link  and student instructions are available here for you to download and save or print.  Yo...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Blog Checks

As per my reminder in class today please check/finish the following and make sure you blog to the home page by scrolling to the bottom of the page and finding the little orange BLOGGER logo (just along from the pencil).  It looks like this:

YEAR 11:

Tasks 3 and 4 Not complete

Tasks 3 and 4 Not complete

Tasks 3 and 4 Not complete

Nothing loaded

Move tasks 2 and 4 to 1.4 page
Task 3 incomplete

All complete (place task 4 after 3 for ease of reading)

Zoe W:
Tasks 3 and 4 Not complete

Zoe B:
Task 1 only thing loaded

YEAR 12:

Task 1 - label choreographer clearly


Incomplete (only intro task on home page)

Complete - now order them

Complete - now order them

Task 4 not complete
Task 7 - Label task

Task 1 - bulk up

Task 4 missing
Intro task to 2.6 page

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Calendar of assessments and events

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Calendar of assessments and events

Week 5 - Year 11 Tasks Due

A reminder year 11 that the following tasks are NOW DUE and should all be on your blog under 1.4:

  • Task 1
  • Task 2
  • Task 3
  • Task 4
You also have an ongoing research task to start like what the year 12s are doing. It is loaded to the blog if you want to check it out and is titled Task 6. 

Welcome to Week 5 - Year 12 Task for Monday

Welcome to Week 5 year 12s!!!

A reminder that by the end of today's lesson you need to have completed the following and have it loaded to your blog (on the right page) for Miss Gill to check:

  • Intro task
  • Task 4 
  • Task 7 

You are also continuing to work through Task 1 and also have the following prepared for either Task 2 or 3 depending on your group's choice:

Task 2: Explore the processes of Moss Patterson
Source your own Koru/Kowhaiwhai patterns (like Moss) and glue these in to your book. In a group (approx. 5 people) select 4-5 of these patterns/shapes to develop motifs/shapes/movements from.


Task 3: Explore the processes of Stephen Bradshaw 
Research creation stories. Find one that interests you and discuss what potential you see in it for creating a dance. 

By mid week you also need to have decided what type of stimulus you may be interested in pursuing for a group dance.