Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Revelations study

Great link to annotation of the song:

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

2.4 Koumaya Standard is loaded for you year 12

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Achievement Standard 91208 (2.4): Perform a theatr...: The achievement standard is available at  this link  and student instructions are  available here  for you to download and save or print.  ...

1.3 Koumaya standard is loaded for you year 11

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Achievement Standard 90859 (1.3): Demonstrate ense...: The achievement standard is available at  this link  and student instructions are  available here  for you to download and save or print.  ...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Old Exam papers and exemplars

Here is the link to old exam papers for you to look at Level one:

Level two here are yours:

Probably wise not to go any further back than 2011 as the standard has been updated.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Exam Specification

Link to the Year 11 Exam Specs is at the following link

Link to the Year 12 Exam Specs is at the following link

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Relief for 10th June from Miss Gill

Ensure your Bharatnatyam study guide work is up-to-date.  Start on the research task related to the learning process.  Most of you could also answer question one if you feel confident to do so.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Achievement Standard 90002 (1.2): Perform Dance Se...

Year 11: Here is the link to the 1.2 page with the information you need to post for your 1.2 Performance and reflection today.  Not much.  Just the video and your performance reflection.

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Achievement Standard 90002 (1.2): Perform Dance Se...:

Year 12 Final 2.1 Reflection

Post the video of your group Dance (group 1 and group 2) and reflect on the following:

1) The standard is titled Choreograph a group dance to communicate an intention.  How well do you think your final dance communicated your intention based on a social issue? Why or Why not?

2) What were the key motifs/movements that were developed in your choreography to communicate the intention? Give specific examples of the move (post photos to back up your explanation if that helps). How obvious do you think these are in the final performance?

3) How have you used you knowledge of the Components of Dance (Elements, Devices, and Structures) and you new found understanding of Choreographic Processes from 2.6 to choreograph for this standard? Give specific examples where possible.

4) Comment on your contribution to the collaborative choreographic process? On a scale of 1-10 (1 being very little and 10 being a lot) how much did you contribute to the final choreography.  Give some specific examples of ideas you contributed that you are particularly proud of.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Year 12 - Monday 16th March

GUESS WHAT? You have the lesson to catch up!!! Yes you can repay me with being amazing students (or gifts of chocolate).  Naomi and Briar I have the paper copies of your 2.1 (Group Choreography standard) for you still.

Things you could catch up on:

  • NZ Dance workshop post (fill in the form and submit to me and copy and paste your answers to your blog homepage)
  • Task 1 choreographers
  • Any other blog tasks
  • Choreography

Thursday, March 12, 2015

NZ Dance Workshop

Studies have shown that reflection upon one’s learning is key to a full learning experience.  For this reason, you will be required to keep reflective journals as part of your professional development.  

  • Workshop Reflection – to be completed after attendance at various workshops
  • Performance Reflection – to be competed after viewing a live dance performance 
Use this form to fill in your reflection for the NZ Dance Workshop.  Also post your responses to you Blog home page:

NZ Dance Reflection Form

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Year 12 Study Task for Monday Period 2

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Achievement Standard 91205 (2.1): Choreograph a gr...: The achievement standard is available at this link  and student instructions are available here for you to download and save or print.  Yo...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Blog Checks

As per my reminder in class today please check/finish the following and make sure you blog to the home page by scrolling to the bottom of the page and finding the little orange BLOGGER logo (just along from the pencil).  It looks like this:

YEAR 11:

Tasks 3 and 4 Not complete

Tasks 3 and 4 Not complete

Tasks 3 and 4 Not complete

Nothing loaded

Move tasks 2 and 4 to 1.4 page
Task 3 incomplete

All complete (place task 4 after 3 for ease of reading)

Zoe W:
Tasks 3 and 4 Not complete

Zoe B:
Task 1 only thing loaded

YEAR 12:

Task 1 - label choreographer clearly


Incomplete (only intro task on home page)

Complete - now order them

Complete - now order them

Task 4 not complete
Task 7 - Label task

Task 1 - bulk up

Task 4 missing
Intro task to 2.6 page

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Calendar of assessments and events

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Calendar of assessments and events

Week 5 - Year 11 Tasks Due

A reminder year 11 that the following tasks are NOW DUE and should all be on your blog under 1.4:

  • Task 1
  • Task 2
  • Task 3
  • Task 4
You also have an ongoing research task to start like what the year 12s are doing. It is loaded to the blog if you want to check it out and is titled Task 6. 

Welcome to Week 5 - Year 12 Task for Monday

Welcome to Week 5 year 12s!!!

A reminder that by the end of today's lesson you need to have completed the following and have it loaded to your blog (on the right page) for Miss Gill to check:

  • Intro task
  • Task 4 
  • Task 7 

You are also continuing to work through Task 1 and also have the following prepared for either Task 2 or 3 depending on your group's choice:

Task 2: Explore the processes of Moss Patterson
Source your own Koru/Kowhaiwhai patterns (like Moss) and glue these in to your book. In a group (approx. 5 people) select 4-5 of these patterns/shapes to develop motifs/shapes/movements from.


Task 3: Explore the processes of Stephen Bradshaw 
Research creation stories. Find one that interests you and discuss what potential you see in it for creating a dance. 

By mid week you also need to have decided what type of stimulus you may be interested in pursuing for a group dance.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Inspiration for a Thursday night

As you all start the initial processes for your first Choreographic task and have reflected and developed understanding on the Elements of Dance that are effective towards portraying an idea I thought this might be interesting for you all to watch.  You will love!

Year 11 Group Choreographic Task - Check the Page

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog: Achievement Standard 90858 (1.1): Compose dance se...: The Student Instructions are available to download as a PDF  here .  Your teacher will read through these with you to ensure you are clear o...

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Facebook group page

Hi Girls as I said I have set up a facebook group page also for you to communicate with me if needed and each other.  I will also remind you when I have posted stuff to the blog.  Check it out here

Year 12 Reminder about task to go up

Task 7: Communicate contrasting ideas in a duet Please make sure you load the following to the 2.6 page:
  • Your video of the ORIGINAL phrase
  • Your 2 photos
  • The reflection: Describe how each photo/moment from the duet relates to or communicates the contrasting ideas. You may comment on the contrasting use of dynamics, changes in focus, the relationship of the dancers in the space, the facings, contrasts in the use of levels, and contrasts in the use of body shape.

Monday, February 16, 2015


WOW! I am blown away year 12's by your awesome reflections to the video. Most of you are very keen to explore the idea in class so I am going to consider how we can do this. Could you each comment after this post on how you might see this working in class.

Year 11 Task 2

A reminder to the year 11's that the first part of task 2 for today required you to use dance elements to develop a dance action for a solo For this activity you needed to use the dance action words: fold, arch, expand, flex or rotate and explore 3 ways to perform each of the above actions using either:
  • Your whole body 
  • Or: a part of your body (body part)
If you need reminding about the task you can click Here

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Hi Girls! Found this great new app call NCEA pal. Go check it out.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Year 11 Task 1 due

Hi everyone.  Thank you to those of you who have posted task one to your blog already.  I am going through and making comments on them.  Please ensure you have these up by the due date on the sheet.  Thanks.  Miss G :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Class Blog sites - GO FOLLOW!

Thanks everyone for sending me your blog sites.  I am still waiting on a few but in the meantime here are the following students blogs for you to go follow.

A few of you still need to add the gadget for us to follow you.  You need to add gadgets and go to subscription links and then click 'SAVE'.

CONGRATS on getting through the first step!




Thursday, February 5, 2015

Year 11 and 12 Dance Blog

This Blog has been set up as an online blog/journal that can be used to record tasks, see examples of things shared by your teacher, load photos and videos, and download links for assessment against Achievement Standards.

It is a way for you and your teacher to keep track of your learning and for others to post or add comments regarding posts. It is important that this blog serves its purpose and that you visit the blog on a regular basis. It is also recommended that you download the smart phone app (IT'S FREE).

You will see that each of the Achievement standards has its own page so throughout the year you will be expected to find the standard you are working on to assist you.

This blog will replace books and note taking so in order to make this work you will also need to set up your own blogger and google account. Call it your 'name' Dance Blog (e.g. Caroline's Dance Blog). You have creative licence to set this up however you wish and add photos.  When you have created your blog make sure you copy and paste the link here for your teacher.

If you get stuck signing up make sure you have a look at the instructions on how to sign in to your google apps to find blogger.